
Would you rather sex questions
Would you rather sex questions

would you rather sex questions

“Wake up n*ked in a forest five miles from home or in your underclothes at work?” “Kiss me or wait for me to take the initiative?” Related: 143 Useful Ice Breaker Questions For Dating Guy, Girl, Couple 2021 “Kiss a stranger and be dropped home or walk five miles home by yourself through a forest.” “S*x with your boss for a promotion or salary increase?” with your ex or an entire day with your partner’s ex?” “Go to bed with your relative or an unquestionably ugly friend?” “Get back with your ex or have your partner get back with theirs?” “Would you rather fart or burb during s*x?” “Date a broke young man who’s good in bed or a rich old man who’s terrible in bed?” “Be well-built but poor in bed or average-built but a tiger in bed?” “Be romantic with me in front of your close friends or prefer privacy?” Related: 107 Killer Truth Or Drink Sleepover Questions For Girls/Guys 2021 “Be a v*rgin at 40 but ugly or a hoe at 16 but cute?” “Let your significant other sleep with your best friend or sleep with your significant other’s best friend?” “Do romantic things or try out some new kinky ideas?” “Bring another person in bed or cheat on me?” “S*x with someone or watch someone having it?” “Talk with me about someone you fancy or fantasize about it secretly in your mind?” “Have a n*ked picture of you become an internet meme or be caught on camera n*ked during a live newscast?” “Walk in on your best friend n*ked, or have your best friend walk in on you n*ked?” “Be n*ked once in public or be a “never-n*de”?” Related: Best 34+35 Flirty Dirty Questions To Ask A Girl/Women To Wow Her 2021

would you rather sex questions

“Be completely hairless or completely covered in hair?” “Do it in 32° weather or in 100° weather?” “Be caught in the act by a cop or your in-laws?” “Have your girl dress as a s*xy librarian or e*otic dancer?” “Lose your sense of feeling during love or lose your sense of taste?” “ out at the movies or in the back seat of my car?” “ Talk dirty to me over the phone or through text/picture messages?” “Cuddle up in front of a fireplace, or light your fire in bed?” “Be cheated on by a partner, or cheat on a partner?” “Grant everyone’s s*xual wishes or have all your s*xual wishes granted?” “Do it with a cousin or be the one to end the relationship with your true love?” “Do it in an abandoned building or in a public park?” “Be with someone new every few weeks or only one person for your entire life?”

would you rather sex questions

“French kiss with melted chocolate or melted marshmallows?” “Take a body shot or have one taken off you?” “Cuddle every day or shower together daily?” Related: 58 Revealing Dirty Questions To Ask Your Friends: Girl Or Guy 2021 “Say your ex’s name during s*x or your partner’s best friend’s name?” “Walk in on your parents having s*x or have them walk in on you having?” “Accidentally send a naughty picture to your dad or your boss?” “Light on or off (if you know what I mean)?” “Unbelievable s*x that lasts ten minutes or average s*x that lasts an hour?”

Would you rather sex questions